Friday, October 10, 2014

Playing for the MusikCircus

Don't think that banging chords on a box guitar will kill you for playing for Cat.  If you use them for Neil Young or Bob Dylan then you're probably going down and if you use them for Elvis, you're gone for life ... however ... if you bring coolness of some kind then let's hear it.  Coolness is defined as what YOU are rather than what some other Bozo did whether it was fifty years ago or yesterday.

If you've got original lyrics, you're already halfway there.  Maybe you think you'll die if you don't do covers as that's what most people like ... but you'll die anyway.  You can convince the majority the world is flat and they'll believe it.  That's been done before.  It's the people who don't believe it that you want and they're at the Circus.

Maybe you think your originals suck.  But maybe they only suck because you think they suck and thinking they suck gives you an excuse not to stage them.  This is exactly why the Circus lives.  Stage that stuff and we'll tell you straight-up what we hear.  You'll get a good positive reaction or none at all as there are no body slams and people will get thrown out for doing that sort of thing.  Don't ever screw with the performers in the Circus as Cat will definitely burn yo' ass.

I've even recommended known members of Queen Bibi's Poison Silas Brigade as that aspect of things is irrelevant to music.  The only thing that matters is whether you can play.  If I think someone is a jerk, so what.  They probably think I'm one (shrug).

They ask from time to time how to save Second Life music but it comes from the same people who wrecked it so there's no point in answering there.  Likely they will continue as they are and drown in cellulite-bloated karaoke.  There was some guy a few days ago covering the Rat Pack.  My ol' Mother loved Dino.  She was over ninety.  She's been dead for some years.  How fookin' old are these middle-aged people.  (For the shrink, it looks like terror to me and they recede to anywhere they think is marginally-safe.)

SL has a reputation for video sex and karaoke music.  They can try to break that but I suspect they won't.  Cat works exceptionally hard toward breaking it as there is still the hope Second Life music can be the global venue it has the potential to be ... rather than just another sandwich shop in the suburbs where people sing karaoke.  There's plenty of room for both but the money backs the karaoke as it's safe, easy, predictable, lots of people do it, etc ... all the things that are cyanide to music.

You can see it anywhere.  Nothing happens in music.  The biggest news is (gasp) a Pink Floyd album.  Well, that's only twenty or so years overdue and it doesn't even have Waters on it.  You couldn't freeze music any harder in a Global Ice Age.

Or maybe One Direction is the answer, huh.  The True Spirit is in English white boy bands.  If that's true then we should all be murdered.

So, pull out that guitar and sing your fookin' originals, Junior.  Kick that shit up and show you've got some.  And if you're a female-type Junior, leave the boob fetish on Facebook.  In SL you're a cartoon and pixel boobs don't mean nothin'.  Play the fookin' guitar, sing yer originals and show you've got some.  It doesn't matter what you've got so long as you've got some of that, you know, your stuff.  Bring that.

In SL, boob physics are cool.  The Groucho Marx of SL script-writing figured out a way to make cartoon boobs bounce and you can give them a variable bounce from between suggestive and alluring to all-out Rocky Horror.  That's my nomination for the funniest thing anyone ever did in there and it gets the win as it really does look cool ... but ... it's completely ludicrous piled on a whole heap of ridiculous ... but still it looks cool.  Good job, Groucho.  That was one fine piece of work.

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