Thursday, March 5, 2015

"On a Grecian Morning" - Now There's a Target

"On a Grecian Morning" is one of the casualties from the recent fiasco on YouTube and this one does not appear to be recoverable.  This is why there is such interest in disk drives lately as there hasn't been space for any real back-up process for years.  I won't stop making stuff so that means chaos when something goes wrong.

It's not a tragedy that the first version of the song is lost as the music for it was only the track I had made using GarageBand with Greek instruments.  In other words, I made the song but I didn't play the parts.  That wasn't enough for me and later in performance I would use it as a back track while I played some lead guitar on top of it.  The new and improved version needs that audio instead of the original and I can make the video the same by using the still photographs as with the first one.  With more compute power now, I can make it more surrealistic in the photographs and they can flow from one to the next rather than doing simple dissolves.

Recording the song and making the video again gives an objective and those have been scarce lately.  The thought that keeps coming back to my mind is Genesis when they came out with "And Then There Were Three" ... but Genesis sucked without Gabriel.

(There was some comedy in that as Lotho and I went to see Genesis on the "And Then There Were Three" tour and we were trippin' balls.  I don't know the details of it but Lotho also took a date and therein lies the comedy.  I don't know what part of the Lotho Planning Center thought the combination of LSD and Genesis would be a good idea for a date but so it went that night.  That isn't the comedy part but that part would take a whole volume.)

(Ed:  who cares?)


That's all the reason I need and the song is pretty.  I'm a bit wobbly on it as I created it rather than physically playing it so, for my music, that makes a difference.  How you make your music is your own business, I just mean what I need for mine to be.  So that means record the audio before doing anything with video as I won't be satisfied with the song until I like what comes out of that.

But mostly I'm not thinking of my own music.  I do think of going to see Voodoo on Friday to request "The Littlest Elephant" and I know the melodica will break me down but no-one will know if I don't tell them.

When Cat's mother died, she kept giving shows at the Circus but she didn't tell anyone.  That's kind of how it was when my father died as I couldn't change anything or the Universe would have exploded.  The same thing happened with him when his father died as I was in the TV studio when he got the news.  He didn't say anything to anyone but grabbed his overcoat and no-one saw him again for at least three days, not even my ol' Mother, and he never, ever did stuff like that.

So it's all trips and that doesn't mean it's unreal, for me that's the only stuff that is real.  Something I sometimes liked to do was try to visualize in different colors the paths across a map people on a map would take in coming together for some event or so.  The reality for me isn't the buildings they will pass but the path that they take as no-one will remember the buildings but you remember the people as long as you can.

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