Sunday, March 1, 2015

Election 2016 - Battle Between Strawberry Shortcake and Ronald McDonald (video)

Now that Jon Stewart is retiring from "The Daily Show," we're going to be in serious need of funny political commentators.  Alas, (sob) I am not one of them but hopefully there are some moments.

The main purpose on this one was testing.  The video was shot using the built-in camera on the new used computer and then I purposely put the useless video effects in it to find what it would do to the render time.  Not surprisingly, it didn't do anything good but it did not bury it as would have happened with the laptop.  All indications are the new used computer can handle anything I may throw at it and it has easily handled all the tests I have thrown at it so far.


Anonymous said...

Now that you've covered the old stuff. Go mount that horse and hit town. With the camera 'n shit.

Unknown said...

Just a test. I was a systems programmer for a long time and a system doesn't work until every little bit of it works. I've now checked just about every little bit of it but there's one little problem: the car broke. It overheats badly and it's not clear what happened. Hopefully it's just a hose.

Anonymous said...

You can do this.

Unknown said...

Car fixing I can sort of do. One thing I know is anything to do with water on a car will always break in the Winter. It's just not enough of a bitch to change out a water pump unless your fingers freeze while you do it. I don't know if cars hate everybody but I know they hate me. It's probably because they know I loved my truck more. Jealous little vixens, they are.