Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Reading to Get Mad and the Zen of Necromancy

Lotho was doing it for a while in reading for something which pissed him off and reacting but then he saw I'm really not trying to start fights.  I admit I may have been even though I don't think so but I know there's nothing in that now and I'm sure he does as well.  Doc reads for anger now but neither react much to the majority of stuff which probably won't frost anyone.  Part of that is musical but no-one else reacts to the music either and there's a lot more music than only mine and there's a lot more content than music anyway.

Note:  sometimes Cadillac Man and Mystery Lady will make a comment on the jams and that's always a smile but generally there's little reaction from anyone else.

Cadillac Man, I think I missed an act of generosity as I saw something was there when I didn't think anything was and then, wtf, did I not acknowledge this??  If I did not, I apologize but I hardly ever look at anything to do with resources as I know there's nothing there so what point (larfs).  Thank you!

Absence of money only makes one mad, sad, or woofy (?) when you try to buy something and you can't.  There's very little I want as should I lust after a pool table or how about a grand piano?  I couldn't care less about pool and I've got a cheap (well, not that cheap) synth which can be a grand piano (actually a variety of them) any old time.  For high-end video, I can make big lust but that answer is simple:  don't look (larfs).

The politicians don't make me mad but rather I see the latest from Trump and it gets an eye roll.  Are you fucking serious??  (larfs)

If I want to read something to get mad, I only have to open the latest from Adorama which pitches their line of Canon pro video.  That doesn't so much elicit anger but rather why, why, why did you open this.  You knew the lust which would come!  (larfs)

I started asking myself, whoa, I wonder if the top end Canon pro video cam supports interchangeable lenses.  I had enough sense to bail before pursuing it as you don't even want to know the frightful expense of that kit.  Then a camera which goes for about $2500 blows out on a NASA Moon launch for costs and welcome to Hasselblad for expense.  Once you start playing with interchangeable lenses, your photography (i.e. your wallet) will take one quantum leap.  More accurately, your photography will take a quantum leap up while your wallet will take a quantum leap down.

The openness of my scene may be mystifying to others but it's been highly public since the late seventies.  Systems programming is a performance and many people see it because whatever you do affects a large audience, many or most of whom you don't know ... and most of them don't want you to do it (larfs).  That doesn't go wide public but it goes big within IT.  For me, everything has been largely wide open ever since I was a lad (relatively speaking).  I guess I was about thirty when I got into IT in a big way.  (In US, IT is anything which matches Information Technology and has to do with mainframe computers.  Modern definition is likely much looser.)

It's not as open as it seems as Cat is highly private and you hear almost nothing of that aspect of my life.  Something I found way back is openness on things permits rigid closure of others and no-one will notice.  There's no criticism of her wish for privacy, it's simply something to be honored.

Here's something which got an aggressive epithet (i.e. a word I do not typically use) and an excellent reason to get mad:

Yevette said check this out on the telly.  It was a news report of a Fort Worth cop who had pulled over one vehicle and was giving the people a ticket or so.  Two columns of riders went past and the cop broke out his pepper spray.  He was spraying it on the riders as they rode by.

Reason:  he said they were 'too close to my vehicle.'

The cop was standing to the side of his car so his cop cam wouldn't see him but other videos did and they're on the nightly news.  The only people who actually felt the spray ... got the blowback from the road because they were in the stopped vehicle and they said they still have not fully recovered from it.

This takes cop stupidity out to a new level of unbelievable.  He fires pepper spray at riders at near highway speed who wear helmets and leathers.  That moron might as well have been using a squirt gun on a whale.  He was enforcing no law; the riders didn't break one.  You can see in the video, it's just two columns of riders and they're riding along about their business.

Yevette said she doesn't want cops like that on the road and he should be fired.  In my view, that stops short.  He should be charged with multiple counts of assault.  He had no reason.

Yevette wanted to call in a complaint but was reluctant because of possible cop reprisals.  I said that's the bitch of ripping out the public telephones because they're deliberately wiping out anonymous phone calls.  Some talk of accountability and fair enough regarding bad things but it's gone too far when it prevents good things.  Anonymous whistleblowers have exposed such huge violations of various thing in multiple endeavors but doing that now is made as difficult as possible.

Conspiracy?  Call it what you will but the evidence is clear:  the public phones are almost entirely gone and it's not just America.  I had one hell of time finding them in England and Scotland and they're not as bad as over here, not yet.

There was a time when there were phone booths all over the place and, in fact, I rescued Chordslinger from one in a classic sixties episode:  he was trippin' and he somehow got it together to call me up to tell me he was trippin' and he was stuck in a phone booth.   You don't ask, you just roll out.  On the way, man.  Here come the Ghostbusters (larfs).

If not for that phone booth, who knows what might have happened to him!  I rest my case.

One of the Bandidos is known well to Yevette and I.  He's kind of crazy and definitely loose but he's not a really bad guy.  He won't mind waving his hands so definitely don't screw with him but why do you want to screw with anyone.  He loves his Harley and he loves his freedom.  Leave those alone and you probably won't have a problem.  He's kind of bad but he's not that terrible.  It's not like he robs banks and stabs people (laughs).

Maybe it's comical that his brother is the total straight arrow, long time submariner with his wife and babies back at the base.  I haven't seen both of them at the same time in years and that reunion must be kind of nuts.  Pink was years a submariner and that's a life probably inexplicable to practically everyone on the planet.  You stay underwater for how long, man??  (Pink has the new record for person I have known the longest on the planet because that goes back to sixth grade in elementary school!)

Note:  Pink is everything he is not.  Why do we call big guys Tiny.  Why do we ask rhetorical questions.  Why don't we get murdered for rhetorical questions?

(Ed:  that just means it hasn't happened yet, hombre)

Good point.

Maybe the guitar play ameliorates anger but I really don't believe I'm that angry to start and the regulars know I have plenty of reason to be raging.  One thing I know for sure is wandering about being hateful just makes useless baggage because whomever you're hating almost certainly doesn't give one flying fuck about it (larfs).

Really I don't find anger adds much of anything to play and more likely will take from it.  This is where it gets all Zen and you can fly or slide as you will but it's an important thing to me in terms of isolating Now from anything else.  In music, for me, I find there can't be anything else.

It won't work if I think of an image of a plum tree and think, well, I will play about plum trees.  If I'm playing I won't be able to see the plum tree but rather some type of plum tree abstraction, if even that.   It's like Keith Richards said when someone asked what he thinks when he plays and he said, "I don't think about anything, man."

Really I don't even see anything except the fingerboard on the guitar as other things exist but they become abstractions as well and that's another dimension of this twisted reality.  There may be lasers enveloping me but that's not so much a distortion for me as that dimension isn't real anyway, not while I play.

Maybe it's interesting that kind of a matrix exists in which the audio is coming to you through multiple channels.  How are those speakers doing ... moving to distortion from overheating??  How is the balance of the sound and is anything too loud or soft.  You play but you're always listening, listening.

That's no more a magical feat than taking a car and motoring really fast.  When you go out to the 10/10ths world, you're aware of everything, every sound in the vehicle, everything you can absorb about the track and the surface, your tach, and, as Stirling Moss said, the hot babe at the side of the track.

It looks to me like gofasters love exactly the same type of multiprocess as musicians.  You drive the living hell out of that vehicle but always you're listening, listening ... the motor, the tires, maybe even the wind.  The world beyond goes blank for them as well because there's nothing except the vehicle and the road, there can't be anything else when you're driving that fast.  There's enough reserve to deal with the pit radio but that's still total focus on the drive.  Nothing else exists.

This Nowness is a big part of why the Necromancer (my version which doesn't suck souls or otherwise act like an asshole) comes up quite a bit.  That's for what is the source of music because I sure don't know.  I don't memorize anything except the chord changes and the rest just happens.  Maybe you say it sounds like it but I've heard a whole huge long list of guitarists and my stuff isn't so terrible (larfs).

For my own Zen the music is exactly where I want it to be which is on a path which always gets better so long as I keep doing it.  The calculus of any delta is irrelevant, it's only to know the delta exists:  it will change from this Now to the Next but the Next doesn't matter until it happens.

My purpose has always been musical Impressionism and the Now is everything to that in painting as with the music.  It doesn't pull anything from behind except the ability to portray it.  To the extent it does pull anything from behind (e.g. back tracks, loopers, etc) it is arguably diminished by it.

My own view of loopers is sliding.  Although I regard them as musical instruments which don't make notes and there's a high art to using one to its fullest, there's still the huge risk of abandoning bands altogether and that walks away from the most fundamental aspect of music:  interaction.

To my taste, one of the highest arts in music is when a jazz group is handing off the lead between the members and there's the unwritten language of music which says when to hand off and how it comes.  Your lead starts to play through and you hand it off to someone else who may pick up some riffs from what you did and bring them back with a different twist so both of you think of new vibe the next time through it.  That's the thing which will never come with a looper.  Relying solely on one's own genius is all very well for Beethoven or Mozart and sure there are some more running around out there somewhere ... but nowhere near as many as own loopers (larfs).

(Ed:  what's the topic?)

What do you think of the use of loopers to create the impression of a band by one person versus the reality of a group doing it.  The purpose isn't to compare the two but rather the looper impression is a valid art form for its own sake.  My own view is a looper can result in high art but the consequence is bands continuing to die a slow death.  That will reverse at some point but right now that's how it goes.

(Ed:  why should bands come back?)

Because there aren't enough Mozarts to go around.  Music needs bands for the conflict.  McCartney and Lennon could be at each other's throats.  Jagger and Richards were highly-dynamic.  There was tremendous conflict in Pink Floyd.  The really great bands almost always had at least two main talents playing off each other.  Genesis had dynamics with Gabriel and Collins.  It goes on and on.

A rock story which has nothing to do with rock:

Charlie Watts, drummer for the Stones, is one definitive gentleman.  Cat met him at a horse show because she has run in some remarkable circles due to her love of horses and definitely not as a spectator.  The horses she loves the most are Arabian and so it is with Charlie Watts.

Cat was greatly impressed by the impeccable manner of he and his wife and how there isn't any doubt of the deep love between them.  Yah, Rolling Stones ... how about that.

And the story:

After one of their concerts, Charlie Watts had retired as he was never the drunken womanizer and even remained faithful to his wife on tour.  However, the drunken womanizers were downstairs and Jagger called out, "Where's my singer?"

That awakened Charlie Watts who got up, dressed perfectly in a suit, and then went downstairs to greet Jagger.  Watts promptly punched Jagger and said, "I'm not your drummer.  You're my singer."

He then turned and went back to his room.

He didn't learn his style recently but he has had it all along.  Quite a fellow, Charlie Watts.

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