Thursday, September 10, 2015

CheeZy Beanie Weenie Mac and PeaZ

Let's see Paula Dean top this gastronomic wonder as my previous gourmet delight was the infinitely delicious Mac CheeZ and PeaZ, baby sweet peas, of course.

Yevette had mentioned some days ago Beanie Weenies and I had not previously been aware of this horror but she assures me kids love them.  Yah, sure.  Kids will eat worms if you let them.

But that inspired the creative mind.  See, always thinking.

The inspiration came ... CheeZy Weenie Mac.  Take your dogs and boil them while you boil up your pasta.  Then you slice up your dogs in many little slices and chuck them into the pasta with your cheese to reveal the new Rockhouse gourmet creation:  CheeZy Weenie Mac.

My friend sez, where's the Beanie?

So I sez, I didn't say CheeZy Beanie Weenie Mac.  You recall, I sez CheeZy Weenie Mac.  See, no Beanie.

But her childhood dream was shot all to hell because no Beanie.  Of course the meal sucked because, well, this stuff really sucks but the Beanie could have made the difference.  The Beanie could have made it suck less.

Now I'm thinking I should do it.  Boil up your beans while your boil up your other stuff.  Slop it all together with some simulated cheese goo and, presto, French chef.

However, if that would be the mix then there really is only one way to fully complement the succulence of flavor and texture in the meal.

Voila!  CheeZy Beanie Weenie Mac and PeaZ.

Note:  no-one has ever tried this ... at least not and lived to tell about it.  We shall try it and report.  Gourmet eating is always an adventure.

"Surely a meal fit for Napoleon hisself," said Paula Dean.

Then she turned off-camera and asked, "He wuz a white guy, right?"

From the darkened control room, came the director's booming voice, "Keep ad libbing that stupid shit, Paula, and I'm going to strangle your cracker ass."

Mystery Lady ... and you thought I couldn't cook.  Ha!

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