Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chinese Using 3D Printers with Bio Interface to Make Animals

The good Reverend Sasquatch will speak later regarding the latest and inevitable development in 3D printing.  People at first didn't take it seriously about his report on the genetically-modified marijuana-eating rabbits but that changed, didn't it.  Only three days ago, the DEA warned that legalization of marijuana in Utah will result in stoned rabbits.  (MediaITE:  DEA Agent: Legalized Marijuana Will Lead to Stoned Rabbits)

Chinese scientists reasoned that all creatures are built, at the most basic level, of four genetic units.  When the interface is capable of generating these units then it should be possible algorithmically to build a complete creature.

(Ed:  that doesn't work unless it follows the DNA map of the creature to be constructed)

Right you are, Dr Schweitzer, but it's so much more interesting when it doesn't follow the genome exactly, isn't it.

(Ed:  what would stop them from making people?)

What makes you think they don't do it already.  Take a look at the barely-sentient politicians and their moronic talk of evolution and climate change.  If those creatures were created by a natural process, it was probably in a field behind a farm by animals that swat flies with their tails.

(Ed:  you're saying the GOP has been infiltrated by artificial people made by the Chinese using a 3D printer?)

Isn't it obvious?  Throw them some chopsticks and see what happens.

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