Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lasers Are on the Ground in Texas

One dual-beam red laser unit went out for delivery at 11:08 a.m. Texas time, still the only time that matters, of course.

I've been tracking this thing's every little bobble ever since I got the correct tracking number yesterday.  I've been watching it as closely as the NSA watches your cellphone sex movies.

So no noise-making in case I miss the door as the delivery needs a signature.

Update:  That was DHL and the lasers have landed.  That can only mean one thing:  time to fuck some shit up.

Update 2:  This thing is demented.  Brilliant beams even in daylight and without any smoke to show the beams.  Tonight there will be a laser circus for sure.

The next three weeks will seriously suck but it really looks like that will be worth it.  The dual beams add a whole new dimension of madness.

Total visual anarchy.  That's yer answer.  But you still have to see the guitar guy's fingers move.  It's an interesting photographic trick as there will be no trick.  It's real-time or it's nothin'.  I have no intention of using overlays, composites, etc.  This has to be absolutely 'real' in its unreality or it's just Internet cock and bull story or Hollywood cartoon or whatever.  What other people do is their own business.  This is what I want to make.  Whatever is in the video will be what 'really' happened.

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