Saturday, November 22, 2014

Do You Suppose There's Time for a War with Liberty Mutual - Updated

Surgery to replace my left shoulder due to extensive necrosis after a break due to a motorcycle crash twenty years ago.  Liberty Mutual canceled my insurance two weeks after the surgery and prevented a year of therapy.

Two attorneys were consulted after it happened but both said there would be unbeatable fine print in Liberty Mutual's policy so why don't you just apply for Social Security disability.  Each time I told them to piss off as Social Security had nothing to do with it.

So that's where it has sat since July, 2009.  I've never been on disability insurance and I'm not on it now.

What if I get one of the shadiest six-gun lawyers of Texas and tell him to have a ball.   Kill as many of them as you like but just get this settled.

My general estimation is that it's pointless ... but maybe it's not.


I'm advised there's a three-year statute of limitations in Rhode Island.  A sleazy enough lawyer can almost certainly give them misery anyway, tho.  It's not my purpose to put anyone in jail as they're already in one and are too dim to know it.

I don't think the answer of a statute of limitations ends it decisively.

Moreover, I wasn't in Rhode Island for the care that got cut.  The only way to find a competent surgeon was to go to Cincinnati where they operated immediately on something Sullivan in Rhode Island was never interested enough to follow.  (He had been advised of it)  Sullivan is the same one who judged I was not disabled.  In my judgment he's not much of a doctor (shrug).

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