Saturday, November 29, 2014

Video Tour of the Fort Worth Rockhouse with All Lights Blazing

There are pictures in some other articles to show you how terrible this place looks when everything is shut down.  This video shows you what it's like when it's not.

The object wasn't music but to take a look at it from different camera angles, particularly the moonflowers.  The object also is to capture the liquid light effect from smoke going through a laser field.

Note:  this was shot with the camera set for auto-focus.  That is not how I will do it for a filming from a tripod as the camera will try to reset the auto-focus every time a laser moves.  Therefore, set the focus manually before cranking the lights and then leave it alone.

The objective in shooting this is also toward any thinking of GoFundMe in showing this is what I can do.  If you want to support this, climb onboard.

In part the video shows how much the view of thing changes by moving the camera.  This is why I want to shoot from multiple angles simultaneously and consequently is the need for more cameras.  They have to be reasonably intelligent cameras or they have no chance of capturing this type of image.

As to what anyone gets, one thing is a credit in the video or whatever text you like in place of your name so long as it is in accordance with what a Warrior of Lights would say.  If you want me to say the Dallas Cowboys are Queers then I won't do it.  Perhaps you would be right but I don't know any Dallas Cowboys and could not say one way or the other except to say there's way too much ass-grabbin' in that game.  Do you see NASCAR drivers grabbin' ass?   Do you see F1 drivers grabbin' ass?  No.  I rest my case.

So that's something but I'm dry on anything else.  Have the satisfaction of helping the old fucker make music is thin as much better to find some hungry old fucker or find a cold old fucker and help this person stay warm at least over the holidays.

I don't want to mess with it right now but I'll put a Donate button back up.

In parallel with this was the music.  I shot the video so I could give you a taste of what it's like but I didn't want to screw around with recording so much as simply be 'in it' and that was very good.  Of course that's the stuff that should be recorded the most but it doesn't work that way.  It's the Ultimate Paradox of recorded music in that it's impossible to record a piece of music because the act of recording changes it.

I've been trying to force myself to eat.  It's not some diabolical situation as crap food doesn't inspire a whole lot of motivation.  More chow has given more ergs for playing and it still hertz but afterward I can work it through with Ohm, Ohm, Ohm.

The Moonflowers are everything I hoped.  Two of them make a rainbow in my eyes and I'm very pleased with it.  After playing in this environment for only a little while the separate effects become part of one sphere of light.

I did look at GoPro cams when I went to Hell-Mart as I knew if you don't get it in the fridge by Wednesday, you ain't goin' get it.  So I got my French bread and then I saw the cams from $129 to $299 and it looked like you can start with $129 but you'll end up quickly at $299 anyway.  What they offer is substantial as the Tour gives an idea of what it looks like from the inside looking out.  It's necessary to go with the higher-end GoPro as they have the resolution needed to be consistent with what is shot by the other camera.  The lenses on the computer and the iPad are so pitiful as to make a kid with a Brownie camera laugh.

All in all, progress is good.  "The Cat in the Space Between Things" needs a segue between the two loops.  Both bits are cool but I'm not satisfied with the transition.  There's also an intricate intro part on the piano and that changes every time I do it, mostly.

There's some wordsmithy stuff as the meter of the poem for the first part doesn't match the pacing of the music.  This is interesting to me as I don't want to change either one.  Both poems are also fairly long so that's a lot of time investment relative to the overall song.  It doesn't matter to me at all if this goes half an hour ... so long as it needs to go half an hour.

For the perspective on time, I looked at the clock just now and really wasn't sure if it was a.m. or p.m.  I really had to gather some clues to make a determination.  I like this in the same way as I like waking up and not being sure which country this may be.  I don't think that will ever stop as it becomes part of your life's kaleidoscope and you never stop seeing the places you have been.  That's why I say we're time travelers as my view is we're traveling in time more than we're not.

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