Thursday, November 20, 2014

Vandengroef Almost Saved a Laser

There was an original red laser that was a Republican from the start (i.e. no matter what I did it wouldn't work).  There was also the Purple Weenie that acted more like a Democrat in that it would act like it was going to do something but then it would give up.

The Purple Weenie got one more stay of execution during Vandengroef's set as maybe the groove brings it back to life or it's just fookin' dead.  If the groove don't move you then yo' ass is already dead.

But it did.  The Purple Weenie was set to auto to force it through its full set and it was making a good job of it.  This went along for some while and I was to the point of thinking maybe it's not a politician after all and it really does work.

But then it croaked again.

It will not get another chance as the Red Republican and the Purple Weenie have now been dispatched to Laser Valhalla and there is no return.

This may seem like zero gain as one dual beam laser replaces two other lasers but it's much better than that.  The Red Republican had balls like Mitch McConnell and the Purple Weenie was as shiftless as any Democrat except Bernie Sanders.  The replacement dual beams come on like Conan the Barbarian.  Definitely much better.

I'm debating screwing myself to the walls as I have just under three weeks until payday ... but ... the display on the back wall is not adequate.  A duplicate unit would do it.  The reason I consider this is the alternate placement for them in another video is relatively high on opposing walls and shooting across the room at each other.  The effect on the walls is irrelevant as they just make polka dots but the beams across the room would make rainbows, albeit with a somewhat less expansive spectrum.

The importance to me is the above is for low-density beams as they're fairly wide whereas lasers are extremely tight and easily penetrate them.  Add smoke and the texture of the light becomes highly fluid and it's really not so much art as a happening.

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