Saturday, November 22, 2014

"Fahrenheit 9/11" and How We Got this Way

Sometimes it's a discipline to watch again this movie as I hate just about everything in it but I'm ever thankful to Michael Moore for doing it.

The GOP reaction to Michael Moore is an instantaneous slam of the door as they believe his charges are rubbish.

However, Moore makes no charges.  His movies show the people involved doing all the talking and the catastrophic calumny of the Bush administration is something that should, by all rights, disgrace anyone who had anything to do with it ... but instead they want him back.

Moore shows all of the Bushies testifying to Congress that Hussein and Iraq pose no threat and are not developing elaborate weapons systems.  Two years later the exact same people claimed Iraq is the biggest threat around for everything including nuclear weapons development.  Moore doesn't put any words in their mouths, he just listens to them speak.

The most crushing disappointment is Colin Powell as he had the one reputation that was truly untarnished ... until Bush.  Now he's nothing.  Maybe he could get a job on Dancing with the Stars.

The deeper aluminum hat aspect involves the financial engagement between the Bush family and the Saudis.  Moore presents plenty of evidence but my concern isn't so much about the Bush family's personal corruption because it doesn't surprise me.  What troubles me deeply is how the Washington process was abused to further their ends, regardless of what motivated those ends, and how easy it was for them to do it.

We see the consequence today with Fox News endlessly bleating, "Remember the Maine."

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