Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oh, So You Call Me a Cynic

My vision is of what America could be if health care were nothing more than an annual line item in the national budget.  Actuarial tables give a fairly good indication of what health care costs will be in the upcoming budget year.  There's no need for insurance to manage that as these things will happen anyway, the only consideration is whether there will be care to handle it.  The only contribution of the insurance company is to make massive profits on something that was inevitable.

Americans should not have to carry a credit card to see a doctor.

Americans should not have to sell their cars to get their teeth fixed.  The healthcare system is bad but the dental aspect of it is even worse.

American kids should come out of college ready to slug it out with the future and make big things happen.  Instead they come out of school so strapped with debt that they're hamstrung for years.

Americans should not have to live in fear particularly when there is no reason to fear.  Keeping people afraid is a standard mechanism of governmental control and the other is to make people feel hopeless, both of which are used extensively in the US.  Some are strong enough to resist this type of thought control but many are not and Americans should never have to worry about the government trying to use them as pawns just because it can.

Americans should not have to worry about getting shot all the time when there hasn't been any serious conflict in the country for well over a hundred years and yet people are killed by guns by the thousands every year.

Americans should not have to worry about their retirement funds being frittered away on aircraft carriers that never do anything other than things they should not have been doing anyway (e.g. interfering in the Middle East, etc.)

I fervently believe in the freedoms America expresses.  All you've got to do is to talk the GOP into giving them back.

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