Friday, November 28, 2014

The Moonflowers are Breathtaking

The Moonflowers give as much visual anarchy as I could possibly hope.  There is order to the beams but they disrupt altogether any perspective on anything otherwise considered substantive.  Getting the lights was not nesting behavior but rather this is what it has to look like to be real ... in its unreality.  Ja, ja, ja.

I was stunned by the overall effect and I tried a walk-around video to see if that could capture it to show you.  There is no music as the view is walking about and showing the view from different angles.  I'll get this worked up later tonight or tomorrow.

It's really deranged.  I was playing for some while and feeling quite good about it.  That's good and bad as, recording-wise, it's a fish that got away but for playing it felt very good.  There's still some elusive distortion and there's no indication of clipping anywhere.  Blah, blah.

The fans make a lot of noise as in quite a lot.  Probably nothing for it but to accept it as the smoke machine sounds like a tornado or some such when it blows.  It may be possible to EQ the noise out.

The lights aren't completely programmed and I have to locate some place to station the light controller so I can use it while I'm playing.  I want to be able to kick a loop change or whatever else and make a light change at the same time.  I'm not going to try this with MIDI as yet but doing it manually will be fine for what I want to try at first.

The final stages of lights are 1)  LEDs only for color, 2) LEDs plus green lasers, 3) ... plus blue, 4) ... plus red, 5) ... plus purple 6) grand finale kicks off the moonflowers as that wall will be quite dark because all the other lights point the other way.  That's the all your guns at once part.

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