Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pussy Riot Talks About Putin and State Surveillance

After a while I started laughing.  I admire Nadezhda Tolokonnikova tremendously but I listened to her talking about Putin and how holding power for so long drives people crazy, particularly when it's over such a large country.  Then husband of one of the Pussy Riot girls described state surveillance in Russia and that's when I started laughing.  (CNN:  Pussy Riot Members Critical of Putin - video)

It's all the same deck of cards everywhere.  You can see that from the Senate as they can't blame Putin for their latest stunt.  Many in the Senate have been in power just as long as Putin.  (CNN:  Senate blocks bill that would curb NSA surveillance)

Note:  the above article was in the same presentation with Tolokonnikova complaining about Russian surveillance.  And so I laugh.

My general opinion remains the same that they're better off.  There are many hideous things in the news but look at which parties are involved and Russia is usually not in the mix.  However, if there's any killing, America almost always is.

Conservatives are outraged just now about Russian Air Force bomber patrols but these are not aggressive as the aircraft are so slow they could be shot down by someone with a Cessna and an RPG.  The ICBMs are the real threat and always have been.  The bomber patrols are just so he can give America the finger because it's so funny to watch the outrage.  He can kick with his vodka to watch CNN and laugh and laugh.

Conservative outrage doesn't mean much to me as I never heard any outrage from them over the bin Laden family being flown to Saudi Arabia rather than Guantanamo Bay.

NOTE:  I am not interested in any 'debate' as I'm interested in what you do not what you say.  I'm old and have not much strength but it's much, much worse to be young and have no will.

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