Sunday, November 16, 2014

Forty Years On

The culmination of forty years of ridicule is not to roll over now.

The articles I've been writing are to show I'm not dead.  I think about what's real but the list isn't very long.  I know some of you are real or I wouldn't write anything at all.

I have not been reading comments nor have I been looking at mail.

My contact with Facebook is minimal and are mostly to keep in touch with Cat but also because my sister freaks if she doesn't see I have written something once in a while.  Apart from that, I stay offline.

After watching "V for Vendetta," a movie I had not before seen, the only improvement I would like to see would be a two-fer deal in which V blows up Parliament and Congress at the same time to take care of the problem fully rather than only half of it.

Obama said big nations should not bully small ones ... while at the same time throwing around drone bombs like a kid playing with paper planes.

Where's V?

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