Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Total Recall 2012" - Updated

Most remakes suck but this one didn't.  It was more an action flick than sci-fi, tho.  The movie wound up rolling together "Bladerunner," "Total Recall (original)," and the same endless car chases as in Bourne but now with some type of magneto-repulsion cars.

The adaptation of the story is interesting as Quaid doesn't go to Mars this time and the story is modified in multiple major ways ... but ... it stays true to the concept, albeit with one hell of a lot of chases.

Kate Berkinsale is excellently vicious and deadly.  Jennifer Biel is loving and present ... and deadly.

The girls are highly-delicious but the fight scenes get like "Star Wars," when you start thinking, man, enough with the sword fights.

Some awards:

Most Ridiculous Scientific Changes

In the hundreds of years between now and the time of the movie, the only change to refrigerators is to make the front work like a tablet so you can leave love notes to wifey.

Telephone implanted under your skin.  It seems that would be hard to dial.

Best of Show:  The Fall is a huge device that falls through the center of the Earth to go from Australia to England.  Of all the sci-fi devices that could never possibly work, this one definitely gets a prize for the biggest.  It does blow up pretty good, tho.

Best Recorded Airport / Spaceport Message in a Sci-Fi Movie

"Prepare for gravity reversal in one minute"

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