Friday, November 28, 2014

Und dann war der Licht - Mondblumen

Jetzt ist es Chaos und das ist gut.

German is appealing to me in a large way because they don't kill each other.  They really don't kill anyone.

Und warum ...

Sind wir Mensch.

Chaos will reveal the entropic flow everything else pretends to defeat.  There is nothing remaining but the light, the love, and the music.  Anything else just comes and goes.

Chaos is the truth if you're willing to look into it.  I found a Cat in there and she couldn't belong to Schrödinger as she is definitely not dead.

"The Cat in the Space Between Things" will be more apparent with moonflowers.

Und auch Mondblumen

Diese Nacht werde ich diese Licht versuchen.

Tonight, tonight

I already know it will be gorgeous.  I can see that just from the test.  Both units are now programmed the same and respond as one.

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