Thursday, November 13, 2014

About the Tri-People and Their Unusual Meiosis on Comet 67P

Humans multiply faster than a locust swarm as the process is driven by the inconsistent emotion of human love.  The Tri-People have solved this problem as they aren't bi-sexual but rather tri-sexual.

Bi-sexual in its current definition means screw anything that's more or less at room temperature but tri-sexual is not the same thing as that's the definition of a type of sexual reproduction that requires three sexes to complete the process.

Some of you may think this is a little weird but we have the Genetics Team working up the requirements for prehensile tails.  Apply your dirty mind to what one could do with a prehensile tail as you choose.  Science has its premiums.

Even if there is no other benefit, Hollywood starlets will like having a prehensile tail as they could use it for shoplifting.

Meiosis is the biological process by which a human cell halves its complement of chromosomes from forty-eight to twenty-four with the result being a gamete (i.e. a sperm cell or an egg cell).  The gamete finds another gamete and joins it thus creating a fertilized egg with a full complement of chromosome pairs.

Tri-sexual meiosis is when the gametes are not two cells but rather three, each with sixteen chromosomes rather than twenty-four.  To produce a fertilized egg, all three gametes have to re-combine.

The above creates a scenario of sexual recombination so twisted that even the Giant Penis designers in the virtual worlds wouldn't be able to handle it.  However, it doesn't change the genetics all that much, it just makes sex fascinatingly complicated.

Meiosis works by dividing the complement of chromosomes in half and this works as there are twenty-four pairs of two.  Splitting them is an arithmetic process even Mitch McConnell could understand.

However, splitting them for the above description of a tri-sexual environment is only an implementation of a biological system in which the chromosomes are arbitrarily divided insofar as there are forty eight chromosomes so every gamete gets sixteen.  For this to make the genetics more interesting, the chromosome complement needs to increase to permit triplets of chromosomes rather than pairs.  With that model, each gamete has a full complement of genetic material and needs only to find other gametes to come up to the full complement of chromosomes.

All of the above is a long-winded introduction to what Philae found on Comet 67P.

Finding DNA on a comet doesn't really have to jack yer religion all that much as it really doesn't make any difference where the Garden of Eden was so long as Christ came to Earth.  No change to genetics will change that aspect of the history so Christianity can do just fine.  How Jews will fix up the Torah to account for it is unknown but it really doesn't have to destroy Christianity.

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