Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Agony of the Tumblr Suicide Queens

Save the Polars Bears.  Please God, save the Polar Bears.  And so another day begins on Tumblr.

The quantity  of social warrior material varies in different social networks much like the cellulite in their inhabitants.  There's little of it on YouTube as you can upload anything so long as it doesn't have nipples.  Tumblr and Facebook have lots of it.

My education today was regarding 'triggering' as this is something that happens due to your behavior that results in a suicide.  The concept / mechanism is a large part of the Tumblr economy and today the Intelligent Aristocrats have their bit on it.

Warning:  if you like suicidal snowflakes, you will not like this video.

My favorite was the one who said an evil person from 4Chan triggered a friend to commit suicide, all in capital letters of course.  Now she's dead and it's all your fault.  Yah, right.  And to create anyone more evil than the person who said that you would need Tolkien to write it.

The runner-up was Dumbo Daddy swearing at how the computer better stop hassling his kid or ... I guess he would unplug it.  What he would do wasn't clear.

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