Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Here Come Millions of Lectures on White Privilege

Darren Wilson was not indicted in Ferguson and that's no surprise as cops never get busted anywhere else so why would he.  Not surprisingly, Ferguson is burning.

My estimation of Darren Wilson is that he would probably have a job loading trucks or waiting tables if he didn't have a gun.

My estimation is the same of John Ashcroft as he was the last defense against 9/11 and he ignored the reports from the FBI agents regarding terrorists in flight training.

My estimation is the same of George Bush who had almost eight years and the entire resources of the US military to catch bin Laden ... and didn't do it.  Toward the end of his administration he was blowing it off that 'bin Laden is no longer important.'

I'm skipping right past white privilege as my own version of it is an income of about $10K per year, poor medical support, and the privilege to live on a friend's couch.  So far, I don't like white privilege very much.

A discussion of white privilege may be entertaining for the Suicide Queens on Tumblr but it has little to no relevance to the current situation which is almost entirely due to shitty leadership.  America has got some incredibly shitty cops running around after some amazingly shitty leadership.  The only surprise is that anyone is surprised.

When you come out of the military you have two choices:  learn some skill the public wants or become a cop.

When you send kids to Iraq and tell them to kill people there even though you know there is no good reason for it, you're going to train a whole lot of them in indiscriminate killing but you won't train any of them in ethics.  Fortunately, many of those kids are smart and will find the ethics training themselves.  The rest become cops and the result is inevitable.

Enjoy the fire.  It doesn't mean much as Washington has been burning for years.

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