Friday, November 7, 2014

Facebook (i.e. Zuckerberg) Needs to Grow a Conscience

Facebook has become the most cancerous cesspool of intellectual depravity possible as there's vastly more false information on it than there is truth.  The incessant spreading of false medical information is one aspect of it as there's always the premise some natural solution is better.  In some cases it's even true but that's damn sure not true for all of them and the lengths people will go to make a case is extreme.

The anti-science / anti-vaccination philosophy is very common and it doesn't matter what anyone says to them as the people who push it do so like it's a new religion.  Reason is irrelevant or they would have never started this absurd campaign in the first place.  I should have autism ten times over for all the vaccinations I've had and in multiple countries but there's endless crap about what this vaccination does or that one.  Science to them is any hackjob who ever splashed out a Web page and put a PhD after his name regardless of whether he actually had one.

The length Zuckerberg will go to prevent false cases dominating is zero ... unless it has nipples.  We all know nipples are very bad.

(Ed:  nipples are real)

You seriously think that dipshit can tell the difference?

That Facebook can be used as such a powerful vehicle for false information isn't lost on those who manipulate such facilities and it's riddled with them.  Most commonly it's used for crap politics as in relentlessly splashing headlines but without a hint of analysis or validation.

The best proof I know of the effect of it is that a Congress with a 10% approval rating achieved 90% re-election for incumbents.  So, what does that tell you, Sherlock Holmes.

Yes, sure polls are screwed but they're not this radically screwed.  The only thing that will keep something like the above alive is false information.

Welcome to Facebook.

Update:  three hours later I'm under nipple arrest.  Zuckerberg is such an incredible buffoon.

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