Saturday, November 8, 2014

"Erotica Psychotica" - Silas Scarborough (video)

Shot this evening, this is the closest I can show you of this world just now but it's been years since I have been able to get this far.  All for the lack of a single cable.  Ain't that a thang.

I'm ecstatic over this and even though there are mistakes all over the place, I'm going with it as this is the Godin xtSA giving the guitar sound while sending MIDI to a GR-20 synth which produces kind of a sweep pad synthy sound and the signal is then sent to a Korg TR Workstation that produces the angel voices.  Every aspect of this is live and nothing was recorded on a looper, etc.  The video was not modified.

There is no plan nor preparation other than 1) start camera, 2) play.

I had played with the voices somewhat before starting but then I sat back down with the thought you have got to shoot this.  See above for the steps.

If you hear a church, it's deliberate and I mean no disrespect.  In my world, this is a church.

So this was the first take / first look at this world with everything live and it feels very damn good.

If you've been following this developing, maybe you remember how I need to take a light off the rack and use it for fill light as otherwise that guitar guy will be in silhouette.  That part isn't done so you can see that's exactly the effect that came ... guitar guy in silhouette.  Easy to fix.  Move the light.  Controlling it is less easy as it would be a long cable to reach it in the new location.  Cables, cables, cables...

Note:  that looks like I wobble at the end but that isn't what happened.  There are cables all over the fookin' place and it's fookin' dark!

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