Monday, March 2, 2015

The Videos Are Not for Nostalgia

My videos have been going online at a quick pace and the reason is recovering the ones lost in a less than clever move I made in which I was going to wipe out this virtual Silas Scarborough beast.  Inasmuch as that's the only part of me worth anything, that was not such a good idea.  I didn't realize that wiping out Google+ would wipe out all my videos but so it went ... and that's what I'm trying to fix.  Restoration of the video about the marijuana-eating rabbits has just about completed that effort as it really frosted me that I whacked that one, even if it was an accident.

The DVD recoveries are a personal bonus and also are part of my own drive to wipe out plastic as there are few things on the planet with less relationship to music, unless you consider California's plastic boobs musically significant.  After getting those three DVDs onto YouTube, I'm satisfied I no longer need plastic copies of anything ... and neither does anyone else.  There are more DVDs and I will load them if they can be found but I've tapped out everything available to me here except for the Matthew Perrault disc.

A problem with what I am doing is there is no way to capitalize on it.  Some of you can use Google AdSense and don't overlook the jingle that can generate.  This is the money Facebook gets that you would have got yourself if you put your material on your own Web site, YouTube, etc.  Never put any resource of value on Facebook or any social network unless you are paid for it.

There's no good answer as yet on a tipjar as I will write more reviews in the future and a tipjar can't have anything to do with that.  I've reached a logical stall on this as playing for tips and writing for free work at cross purposes to each other.  This is not a traumatic stress but rather it's in the category of, well, that's unusual.

No new music is coming just now as I can't integrate that into everything else that happens.  I can't even call it depression as the only answer that works is this is fucked.  Things will stay that way for a while and I have no idea how long.  There are no cataclysmic thoughts flying about, it's that the focus needs to be elsewhere for now.

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