Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Butcher of Gaza Begs for Money and Pretends It's for Peace

The hero of Gaza who has done more damage to the reputation of Israel than the PLO came to Congress yesterday to talk about terrorism.  That subject makes little sense unless he is talking about that which he has inflicted himself on the civilians in the occupied territories.

Netanyahu knows Iran is not and and has not been developing a nuclear bomb and he got the information from a report from Mossad, Israel's version of the CIA.  (The Guardian:  Leaked cables show Netanyahu’s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad)

Netanyahu has known it and so has the White House.  The citation above is one of many.  The short answer is that both lie through their teeth.

But that's not why Netanyahu was in Washington anyway.  He came for the same reason anyone else goes there:  he wants money.  He claims he needs a third of a billion dollars for a missile shield.  Israel already has one and there isn't that much of a threat against Israel anyway.  Hamas chucks a couple of rockets and Israel responds with tanks, helicopters and missiles.  This balance hasn't changed in decades.

After what Begin and Sadat did, they will be remembered.  Netanyahu will not be remembered for any longer than it takes for the election to get him the hell out of office.  He has done more than anyone on the planet to ensure people forget The Holocaust as quickly as possible.  Of the Presidents of the last fifty years, I strongly suspect Jimmy Carter is the only one who will be remembered at all and entirely based on the way he stuck to his principles.  He delivered on peace in the Middle East when others only talked about it or actively made it worse.

There needs to be a world-wide housecleaning of these conservative killers.  They aren't defending anything but their own weapons systems and the right to sell them to whomever they like.  This doesn't mean conservatives are all killers but the ones in Washington sure as hell are.  It also doesn't mean all conservatives are Republicans as Obama has served that cause with more missiles, bombs, and drones than his predecessor.

Lotho has said he wants the bills paid and he doesn't want any more killing.  He loosely calls himself a conservative but that position sounds like The Green Party to me.  I don't mean to tangle with Lotho on the mechanics of the actual position as that's the one most would like to see regarding conservatives while Democrats are the ones coming up with who knows what frivolous plans.  You need some conservatives to balance the frivolity and everything comes out the best it can ... until they try to do that in Washington.

Probably none of this makes any difference as there's so much bribe money going into Washington with the PACs and Super PACs that you could even corrupt Pope Francis with it.  You've seen it time after time in which they go to Washington with such high ideals and then turn to shit when they get there.  Obama is by far the biggest political disappointment in my life time; he could have been a legend.  In some ways it's appropriate that Netanyahu comes to shit on his glory time as whom has done more to wreck it throughout the entire administration.

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