Monday, August 4, 2014

Bring the Nuke War - Let the Birds Fly ... and Blow Some Shit Up!

People whinge constantly about the threat of nuclear war and this is based on the pissy little girl fight soundbite war between Obama and Putin.  I hear so much, oh no, they're really going to do it this time, they're going to start a nuclear war.

Yah, right.  I've been hearing this nuke war stuff since, oh, '62 and, guess what, I have seen no nuke wars.

I'm tired of waiting.

Bring the nuke war or shut the fuck up about it.

I want it all.  I want people rioting around the world.  I want to see cities burning.  People start eating dogs when the food runs out.  Let's see anarchy, chaos, and devastation.  And then for the big capper let's nuke the whole field and melt it down so nothing grows for a thousand years.

Yah.  You want fear, let's have the real deal instead of this pussy Sean Hannity version.  That mouseball motherfucker is probably scared of Campfire Girls.  The next time Hannity tells us about a nuke war, it's simple:  we melt the bitch.  Nuke him into a glowing puddle.  So, Rambo, how do you like Mutually-Assured Destruction so far.

It really would be grand, you know.  The nuke goes off and there's the huge flash and you would probably see that, at least until the shock wave reaches you.  Yah, dude, go ahead and putt.  You might have time.

People get so afraid but I seriously don't give a fuck and I don't think I ever did.  If you want to nuke me then fuckin' do it.  They didn't (shrug).  As in everything else, these people as are boring as damn lawn bowlers.  They talk and talk but they do nothin' ... except play with their balls.

They say Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, is going to declare martial law and kill everyone ... but, let's review.  Rick Perry couldn't organize a dogfight without a roomful of liberals to help him and he has a problem with that as liberals regard Rick Perry as someone who should be in a dogfight rather than organizing one.

Oh, and you're scared of terrorists because they're going to come and kill us ... but ... you never locked up the biggest terrorists of all:  Bush and Cheney.  You're afraid of the other ones who never managed to kill more than a few thousand people.  That's small change next to what Bush and Cheney did but you're afraid of the pissants rather than the ones who killed hundreds of thousands.  Tell you what, skinny puppy, your priorities are whacked the fuck out.

Maybe you're afraid you're going to die.  Of course you're going to fucking die.  What was it got you thinking there was something that could stop it.  But, no, no, I got these Magic Beans from the Internet.  They make you immortal, no shit.

And you're not afraid of the stuff you can buy on the Internet?  How about the fake pharmaceuticals.  It's some real sweethearts selling that stuff, huh!

So, to review:  you're terrified of a nuke war and Rick Perry's dogfights ... but ... you're not afraid of the Bush / Cheney Killer Klown tag team, poisonous crap you can get off the Internet, etc.

You already know the answer.  Smoke a bowl and fuhgedaboudit.

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