Saturday, August 30, 2014

"It's For You" - Silas w/Mystery Lady (audio)

We had been married for almost twenty years and hadn't seen much of each other for almost ten more and then we did some recording together.   This came from it and "It's For You" is featuring the Mystery Lady singing a duet with me for the Ultimate Love Song.  I roll it out again now from going through tracks that would be cool for live.  For some, I see the name and, yes, I would like to hear that.  This one is very special.

The Mystery Lady is incredible as she sang this bone dry, there was almost nothing in effects. Used right, effects can be salt and pepper for a song but, just like salt, you don't want to use too much.

As you hear her do this one, consider back when she was jumping up and down going all ripshit on "Rebel Yell" as she's got a grand set of German pipes.


Ach ja!  Ihre Name ist ....

es ist noch Mystery Lady (lacht)

The Ride the Dragon podcast and selected parts of My Duck Soup have got share buttons for social networks and there's a blurb in subsequent article on tracker cookies.  Block them if you like as that won't affect how the site works.  Please do share the link.

There isn't a good answer on a CD from the show.  I sent a link to Cat and the thinking is possibly to set up a one-off PayPal to sell it.  Send five bucks and an email address.  I send back the magic link so you can download it.  Doing that is dodgy from top to bottom.  Within SL is one thing but on the open net is muchly another.  Highly dodgy.

The show surprises me.  I've listened to it all the way through three times.  Yesterday there was no-one here for part of the day and I cranked it to just under ear damage.  It was very damn thunderous loud and sounded credible.

What I shall do is listen to it another time to see if it makes me hate it.  Releasing it on CD and then hearing it again a week or year later gives a really bad feeling if the audio quality sucks and you wish you hadn't done it.

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