Monday, August 11, 2014

Push the Blue Button, Luke

If there had been a Blue Button in "Star Wars" then Luke Skywalker would not have been necessary as Captain Kirk could have solved the whole problem with the Empire by pushing the Blue Button.  He would also probably have found a way to do it with his shirt half torn from his body.

So, you thought I was joking about the Blue Button but, ladies and gentlemen, I'm a long-time computer professional;  I never joke about system recovery.

The Blue Button gets you to Restore Tool Z which, naturally, is capable of solving all the software problems in the Universe although, despite its powers, it will not likely ever be able to get conservatives to open their eyes and see what worthless, miserable bastard George Bush was.

When you are dealing with your local systems professionals, ask them about Restore Tool Z.  If they cannot tell you then right away you know you are dealing with amateurs.  You have to decide for yourself if your data is valuable or if amateurs are good enough to take care of it.

Geek references required for this article:

Star Wars
Star Trek
Galaxy Question
IBM Principles of Operations
IBM Debugging Handbook (and not just to sit on your desk to look system-ish)
et al

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