Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Cat in Search of a Schnitzel

Simon's Cat is way cooler than Garfield as Simon's Cat likes to make a total mess of things, just like real cats.  Schnitzel lives up to this tradition and he has a major penchant for computer wires, none of which will survive long after he has decided to learn about them.  This is much like Lotho when he was around any sort of equipment when he was a kid.  In a relatively short time he would take it apart.  Like Schnitzel, the chances of putting it back together again were not good.

We see Schnitzel's curiosity but how that pertains to today's story is that he's a young tomcat and he's really not so much familiar with thunderstorms.  One started yesterday so he just had to get right up in the window to watch.  At first the lightning flashes were spectacular and cool to watch but the thunder was far enough away that it didn't threaten too much.

He was really enjoying as he stood on his hind legs with his paws on the glass to get the best view possible.  And this is when came a lightning strike fairly close by and a thunder clap that was the Odin's Father of all Thunderclaps.  The windows rattled, the house shook ... and ... Schnitzel jumped so high and so fast that it's really not clear whether he flew, teleported, or just ran fast than any cat possibly can to get under the couch.

Some hours later he was still there and would not even come out for food.

He may still be under the couch.  We hope he has eaten.

And thus is a Cat in search of a Schnitzel.

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