Monday, August 18, 2014

Getting Back to Work

We know the news is nothing but bullshit and that's why I make up bullshit stories here.  The plan now is to put links to 'resources' that will substantiate whatever insane claim I am making and that's the Candy Crush Saga.  If you click the link then I own you as you are proven conspiracy bait.

So, what game will we play today.

This game would not be fun if I just sucker-punched as most of the links I use are real ... but ... the new and improved plan is to put sliders in there once in a while just to see if anyone will click them.

There's something funny that can come of this.  I'm not sure what yet but somethin'.

Irrelevant side-note:  Silas on the Reverend Sasquatch Defends Religious Freedom and Colanders was a hit with Yevette.  She saw I recognize I'm in the State of Texas and I understand it's important to tip your colander to a lady.  (NSFW language in the video ... so unbecoming for a preacher)

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