Friday, August 15, 2014

Traumatizing My Niece - Updated w/New Trauma - Web Edition

They say family is like "Leave it to Beaver" but really the purpose of family is creating the trauma that will haunt you until you die.

Thus, I have my mission.

There's now a li'l counter I wrote that bumps a count every time someone looks at one of the paintings.  Counters are common and that wouldn't create enough trauma so I added the time and date the last time someone looked at a picture.

You can see the results of the changes in the Manage Images process.  The bumper doesn't need maintenance as it will add a new counter whenever it sees a picture it doesn't know so that leaves it free to serve its primary purpose:  creating trauma.  All artists are neurotic and this type of stuff can fuel that so there's some risk.

Creating trauma is important but there are some incidental results as well.

This will show which images are turning out to be favorites.  It might be worth considering archiving ones which do not enjoy much activity as the attention span of people on the Internet is so short only entomologists can measure it.  If they see something they don't like then they click out.  Do NOT for one moment take that mean I believe everything has to be pretty as that isn't my point.  It's not a decision I will make as to whether something stays online or no, my purpose was to give the information so the Artist can if she wants to do that.

Valerie Fraser, Abstract Artist in Oil is stable now and only waits for more images to be loaded.  Maybe 90% of what I do is in testing and re-testing the system functions so I can be sure they will support her in the background work.

The best support goes beyond what I can do now and mostly that falls on the Artist.  She will want to put a link to the Web site every place her little spamming fingers have the opportunity to do it or her friends have to do it.

Make a signature for email and include the address of the site on it.  The link is what makes the money shot.  The farther it spreads, the larger the denomination.  Two things will push you up search:  lots of links or lots of money.  I vote for lots of links.

Go forth and spam and know now why musicians hardly do anything else!  Indie is a bitch!


It's better and no studios try to pour Velveeta in your ears.  Usually I like that but not when a studio does it.

Don't pay any SEO specialists, marketing specialists, etc.  They're unemployed for a reason.  Google+ is largely a refugee camp for them.  Give them food if your heart tells you but not money.


The trauma is perfect on the last read time for the image ... it doesn't work.  Even worse, it works sometimes so it will put up a date but it's the last time the server felt like adding one, it isn't the last time the image was read.

There's an answer as I'll add the current time to my counter bumper thang and use that as the time source instead.

There's also another trauma as I added a picture of most of the family to the education page and this was over-stepping the line as it's my view of education that it comes from school and comes from family but that may not be how the Artist wants to say it.

The menu titles changed a little to be more reflective of the content.  For example, Biography became About the Artist as it wasn't a biography at all but rather her statement about art in Capstone presentation.  Education is straight-up ... all about education, and that's where I put the pic.  What the site does not have is much actual personalization.  For that I have to wait as I can't possibly anticipate what the Artist might want that to be assuming she wants it at all.

The main thing to consider is why should anyone come back to the site.  The perfect Golden Ideal is that the person fell in love with a painting and wants to come back to buy it.  That's fine if painting love works at first sight (many times it does) but maybe most people need to see it a few times to find how it feels for them, how it suits them, what it makes them think.

You can bring people back with games like Candy Crush Saga and that's the Facebook way but we need something just a wee bit less slutty than that.  I may come up with some suggestions but mostly this will come from guidance from the Artist as well in terms of, well, I think it needs to do such and so.

A Store is a magnet is, just like real life, people will go into it just to see what's there.  If they like it at all, they will come back as Stores always change their stuff.  The Artist and her ol' Dad have a line on putting some merch together so that aspect is standing by.  That's why you've not heard any more about CafePress although the recommendation still stands to anyone, noting that they do take a big bite but you'll need to read older articles for a full blurb on that.

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