Friday, August 29, 2014

The Cable to Cure All Audio Streaming Problems Forever ... Actually Worked

The gig was a blast for me last night as I figure if it's worth saying then it's worth saying loud.  That was as close to thunderous as it's been in a while and I was seriously diggin' it.  Even cooler, Cat was and that means a whole lot to me, much more than mushball romance which also means a hell of a lot to me.

The cable was a LiveWire mini-audio plug to stereo XLR outputs and it's a bit scratchy when you move the iPad but that couldn't have been due to the iPad having been dropped in Greece.  Nah, that couldn't be it.  Really it probably could as it bent the plug so any scratchiness probably comes from that.

Otherwise, it's immaculate.  Fifteen bucks from Amazon so I didn't even have to put on a pair of shoes and this is good as I don't have any.  I didn't even have to get a stand as the keyboard is big enough that it can sit on the far right console part and not be in the way.

It really is very cool for me as it lets Bad Silas back out of the box and I really like Bad Silas.  There's no way to record big arrangements with the kit I have here so I've been going through ones long-forgotten, sometimes thinking, well, ain't this a thang.  Got to play this one again.  There may well be hundreds of them, I have no idea ... one hell of a lot, tho.

This brings back Vicki Nilsson and the Thunder Drums and who would compare her moves to that pissant drum box.  The lady kicks!

Big fun at Cat's Art MusikCircus.  Big girls, big music, big fun.  Get yer wobbly wobbly moves on, honey.

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