Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Putin / Obama Winner-Take-All Cage Fight

When the number of people screaming got to the level of a squadron of B-52s, even the White House noticed.  All of them screamed the same thing, "ENOUGH OF YOUR PUSSY SANCTIONS!"

The people called out, you and Putin are short, scrawny fuckers.  Weight match should be more or less fair.  Both of you think you're in fairly good physical shape.

We deem this a fair match and we want to see a cage fight.

Putin vs Obama

Winner Takes All

The Whole Fucking World

Fought by Two People Who Think They Are Interesting but No-One Believes It ... Except for David Cameron Who is Probably Gay for Them

Risk:  Maybe they die.

Consequence:  None.  Send another politician.  Both sides seem equally well-equipped in political tonnage so keep sending in a new one if the current one dies.  It's no actual loss to either side as the Russian Parliament doesn't do anything either.

If the war means so much to these politicians, let them fight it.  When they spend so much of their time proving they are expendable, why do they suddenly get immunity when there is combat.


Cage Fight

That's yer answer.

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