Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stars Exploding at Cat's Art MusikCircus

James Corachea was the first star to appear last night at Cat's Art MusikCircus but, fortunately, he didn't explode.

James Corachea didn't explode but his set did as this was the largest crowd I have seen him draw and the coolest part about that is they stayed.  In Second Life, people can disappear in a twinkle but very few left last night.  You will always lose a few as stuff just happens but practically all stayed for the whole show.  That's always how I look at my shows as it doesn't matter how many come but it matters a lot whether they stay!

You will notice his London Jam 2013 shirt and this event is going to take place in two weeks.  Musicians from around England and also from Europe will be there.  I'm pretty sure Michi Renoir is flying in from Austria.  A daring few are even coming in from the United States and Eva Moon is flying in from Seattle.

I've talked about James Corachea's music before but now I have a better way to show you.  I've made a YouTube Playlist of some of his videos and added it to his Artist page on the Cat's MusikCircus Web page.  I'm expanding the resources on her Web site as that will give you a much easier way to find information or a video without needing to backtrack to a particular blog article.

Lefty Unplugged was the next star to appear last night.

I'm not sure if Lefty will be going to the London Jam but he does real-life performances quite a bit and was playing at a different festival last week-end.

Lefty Unplugged was blazing last night.  As Cat said, "If he were a music box then he would be running hot.!"

He went into a sequence starting with "Rain Comes Down" and went right out of that into "Let It Roll" and straightway into "Clap Hands" (cover of a Tom Waits song) after that.  Lefty is very good with the dynamics of songs as he can bring them up and bring them down.  With these he came up and, except where a song needed it, he stayed there.  The result was exciting and powerful and a great pleasure to hear.

Lefty doesn't always play in this way and that's one of the charms of hearing his work.  He is equally good at going into an improv right off his head and it will be a dream trip in a very beautiful way.  This is not what he did last night and I tell you so you don't expect a formula from him.  He will play whatever vibe feels right and last night he wanted to blow up some stars.

This brought out Ellie Edo, the Elf Warrior, and she was fascinated.

Ellie was asking where she could buy Lefty's music and I discovered something I didn't know previously.  He has recorded three CDs but they are not available online.  Currently the only way to buy them is directly from him.

To show you why we want to help him with these CDs, I've made a YouTube Playlist of some of Lefty Unplugged / Kevin Farrell videos and I've put them on his Artist page on the Cat's MusikCircus Web site.  (I will continue expanding the Artist pages for the other performers at the MusikCircus)

(Ed:  So, what about the exploding stars?)

I'm getting to that!

Of course Cat and I danced!

Ellie had asked if it would be ok to do particle displays and she got her answer!  Cat set off all the stars and they were exploding all over the circus.  A picture captures it to an extent but visualise them moving, appearing and disappearing, and giving colors all over the place.  It was an incredible show!

Short editorial:  Some venue owners say particle displays will take a sim down but it's utter rubbish.  I've been doing outrageous particle displays in every show I possibly could since I started gigging in Second Life.  They have never taken a sim down and they have never crashed anyone.  People will blame crashes on everything from Lindsay Lohan to phases of the moon but Second Life browsers will crash regardless.  Sometimes that happens but particles have very little to do with it.

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