Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Maestro Michi and Magicians Reis and Aldo Return to Cat's Art MusikCircus

I was asked yesterday by a less-than-creative Andy Kaufman wannabe in Second Life how I could stand to see the same acts each week.  The flaw to that attempt at provocation is they're not the same acts each week and Maestro Michi came back to Cat's Art MusikCircus to show that once again.

A better question would be how you can stand to read my reviews each week as the report isn't likely to change much.  I've already told you that Michi Renoir plays a different set every week so his music is different but my report remains the same!

I've already told you about the extraordinary range of voices he pulls from his synthesizer so I can't surprise you with that either.  I'm quite sure his synth isn't using stock voices and that he has customised it for the sounds he gets as the richness of them is quite exotic.  In combination, they're extraordinary.

But I've already told you that!

And what I will also tell you again is the only way to really appreciate Maestro Michi Renoir is to come out to hear him play.  My review really won't make any difference as what he plays then won't be the same as what he played last night.  If you don't want to hear the same thing over and over, Maestro Michi is definitely giving the show you want to attend.

You can get a taste of Michi Renoir's work on his Artist Profile at Cat's Art MusikCircus Web site.

The second set of the Synthesizer Night comes from Reis and Aldo who are from Brazil and Italy, respectively.  Both live together in Italy now and they had a special guest with them in the studio last night.

Reis Alter, the beautiful singer of the magic from Reis and Aldo

Aldo Brizzi, the magician, musician, and composer behind the music.

Just as with Maestro Michi, there is no predicting what they will do from one week to the next.  They have a long list of songs from which they will pull as people won't let them get away with leaving them behind.  And well they might leave them behind as Aldo Brizzi is constantly composing new material so they could just as easily throw out older material and only do new work.  There's no way the audience will let them do that so they make up a balance and it's always magical.

Just as before, I have told you about the wonderfully ethereal voice with which Reis has been blessed and I've also told you how she can bring it up to the most deeply sensual and sexual tension of everything you would expect from Brazil.  I've told you this but it doesn't hurt to tell you again!

I've told you also of the extraordinary percussion Aldo creates and the very subtle way he builds the music to support Reis in her singing.  Any teenage kid with an electric guitar can grandstand but it takes a master to build the music that weaves everything together and Aldo is well-qualified in experience and schooling to do exactly that.

Partway through the show they introduced us to their special guest, Bruno Masi, a young Brazilian guitarist, and he spoke to us a little bit.  I thought it might be easy to find him in a search but didn't have any good luck as there is also a Bruno Mars who does not appear to be a match.  I will search more as Aldo's recommendation means he has got to be good.

We will miss Reis and Aldo at the MusikCircus from next week forward until, I believe, July 23, as they will be going to tour again in France.  We wish them the best of luck on the tour and they will be gladly welcomed when they get back again.

For more about Reis and Aldo, please take a look at the Artist Profile on Cat's Art MusikCircus Web site where you can find videos and links to their Web sites.

And, oh yes, Cat and I danced!

What's all the more remarkable about Cat's outfits is that she often makes them herself!

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