Friday, March 1, 2013

An Extraordinary Night with Sonya Jevette

Despite some excruciating problems with Second Life last night at Cat's Art MusikCircus, a number of faeries found their way to the show!

On the left is Michi Renoir and on the right is Belethil Ishtar.  In the middle, in no particular order, are Anja Arcana, Anja Tigerfish, Asimiko, Vanya Vita, Roza Raymaker.  In the back are Biljimez and, somewhere to his right, ion Collider.  Some are faeries and some are not but that's the nature of Cat's Art MusikCircus in being whatever you like and playing whatever you like!

It turned out to be almost impossible to promote Sonya Jevette's show last night but she was a great trouper about it and of course the show must go on.  She didn't do it at all reluctantly and had great fun with it.  She is a marvelous singer and she also has a tremendous sense of humor.

How about those eyes, huh!  You better treat her right!

Sonya Jevette started with one of her signature songs, "My Name is Sonya," and I may not have the name right but that's the theme of it and within she sings of how we are all Children of the Universe.  That line grabs me every single time I hear the song.

Sonya continued with more of her original songs and she did "Synchronicity" next which is part of her one song a week campaign.  She is determined to write a new song every week and she introduced "Synchronicity" last week and she followed that with "In My Dreams" which is also brand-new.  This type of aggressive pursuit of new material and new thought is what permits me to write about her show each week as they are most definitely not the same.  I very much admire her creative drive.

Meanwhile, Cat and I were not dancing.

Yes, that's Cat up there and you can see Sonya far below her on the stage.  Where else but Cat's Art MusikCircus can you see a mermaid doing an aerial act!

When I saw Cat doing aerials, I decided to give it a go also:

MerPeople in the air, only at Cat's Art MusikCircus!

Our antics didn't faze Sonya at all and she went into her "Big Girls" song and that one is always fun, in part because of people going up to the stage to dance with her.

From left to right, Riana Magic, Yevette Nishi, Sonya Jevette, and me

If you never saw a Merman doing an aerial act, you probably never saw one on-stage either.  Only at Cat's Art MusikCircus!

I've written of the "Big Girls" song previously and you can hear a full arrangement of it (as opposed to the solo version Sonya does at the Circus) on the Sonya Jevette Web site.  It's funny, poignant, and captivating and, what's more, a Merman can dance to it!

"Big Girls" wasn't the last song of the evening and The White Band came up to perform with her one.  I regret that my notes fail me on the title (sorry!)

From left to right, Vanya Vita, Belethil Ishtar, Roza Raymaker, Sonya Jevette

Sonya gets a kick out of it when people come up to perform with her and she let out one rich laugh when she realised they were The White Band.  They may not know Sonya is not white.  Maybe you ask if she is black or does she have a tan but the next question after that is what difference does it make.  Her laugh when she realised the name was priceless!  She didn't say anything as her laugh said it all!

And Cat and I danced!

If you didn't think MerPeople could dance then I'm guessing you never tried!

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