Monday, March 4, 2013

You've Got Two Choices

You can roll over and die or pick up the guitar and play.  By itself the guitar would not be enough but the love of Cat gives me a reason.  If not for her I would have rolled over a long time ago as it is very damn hard here.

Cat was surprised when I said music is not my life but really my life is, well, my life.  It's writing, making videos, and, most of all, observing.  If you live in a cave you can still make music but your subjects will be bats and blind cave worms, probably not that interesting.  Music is a very important part of my life but it is by no means all of it.

I do intend to make more videos as syncing the audio with the captured video isn't difficult and you can see in the latest how I do it.  There's no big technical trick as I just align the waveforms and, presto, it's synced.  (Don't try this in iMovie as it will just make your head hurt.  Get Final Cut Pro.  It doesn't cost that much.)  However, I get exceptionally tired of looking at myself so I will intersperse clips from other things I shoot (see above about observing).  I do want to show you the stars on the Galaxy Guitar twinkling and the last couple of clips weren't all that good for that.  There will be more.

The hoodie in the latest video isn't for effect as it really is that cold.  It's the same as Texas in which it also gets very hot and they can set houses up for that but they suck at keeping them warm.  I just got a monster electricity bill so I turned off the heater for the house.  The warmest I ever was in the Winter was Rhode Island which was also the farthest north.  They use oil burners up there and that keeps them toasty warm.

It is definitely getting warmer outside but euros for petrol are at an all-time minimum so shooting any external clips will have to wait a week or so.  I believe I can still get some useful clips just shooting things around the garden, walking down to the sea, etc.

So, we shall see.

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