Saturday, March 23, 2013

Damn, That is Some Bad Bird

My secret project has had me so absorbed that I did not cook my chicken quickly enough.  I noticed an odd effluvium when I opened the refrigerator and, on further sniffing, I discovered it was coming from my beautiful pack of chicken breasts.  On close-range sniffing, there was only one conclusion to be drawn:  you are NOT going to eat this or, damn, this is some bad bird!

However, what is bad for me is good for the cats.  It is very important to me that this stay a zero-waste kitchen and letting eight euros worth of chicken go up in smoke or, more accurately, down in disagreeable effluvium is not acceptable.

Cats do not mind disagreeable effluvium so I chopped up the chicken breasts as I thought otherwise they might fight over them.  There are five cats at least and only three chicken breasts so I did not think this was good arithmetic for a happy cat chicken feast.  So, laugh if you like about chopping up the chicken for them but that was my logic.

The reason I knew the disagreeable effluvium would not bother the cats was that there is nothing a cat enjoys so much as eating a bird!  Catching a mouse is good but catching a bird, now that is Cat Heaven.  And so it was as I watched my beautiful but disagreeably smelly chicken breasts disappearing more quickly than I could have eaten them.  What would have fed me for a week lasted them about ten or fifteen minutes!

My secret project will not stay secret much longer as I was there doing some mapping earlier and a man came up to me to ask me why I was walking around taking notes.  At that point, the wrong answer is that I'm from the government as Greeks do not like the government at all.  It's not just the German government, it's any government at all, and with quite good reason.  We talked for a little while and it was quite pleasant.  From this you can probably deduce what I'm doing so I will spill it after I complete what I was mapping this morning.

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