Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gay People Have Much Better Senses of Humor than their Opposition

Herewith, the sixty best signs seen in protests against DOMA while the Supreme Court ponders a decision that is taking them much longer than it took them to take the money get them to decide to screw Gore out of the Florida election.

Sixty Best Signs at Buzzfeed.Com

Here are some I thought were particularly amusing:




Priceless!  (laughs)

No, I'm not gay.  I and most of the developed nations of the world think the U.S. laws on this are unbelievably stupid and mean.


Anonymous said...

PS why does 2% of society command do much attention who cares what you do in your bedroom I only care about what goes on in mine So do want you want and quit telling me about it I dont care

Unknown said...

I saw Amanda Knox on CNN so nothing interesting there. I saw this on FARK and thought it was funny. So, here it is!