Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"The Elven Children" (poem) - Review (of sorts)

"The Elven Children" was the biggest hitter on the blog yesterday and that's quite unusual as I don't think it got that much attention when I first wrote it!

The reason I mention it is this goes right to any thought of writing about darkness as the poem is very sweet with love, magic and dancing children.  Apparently Shirley Temple stuff does have an audience (laughs).

Trying to figure out why or how the poem received such interest is not interesting at all, I just appreciate people reading it.  As I wrote previously ("On Future Readings"), writing about dark subjects presents a bit of a conflict and seeing the interest in this one shows that perhaps I should do it less.  It's not that I want to cater to what amuses people but, looking at it the other way around, there's no point in writing something people won't read unless you really believe there is quite a profound statement to be made but that kind of thinking is quite lofty given my circumstance (laughs).

There's also no point in writing a PhD thesis on this subject as what the interest in the poem says most of all is write more of them!

Thanks very much for the encouragement to Julie Juliesse, Crap Mariner, and, most of all, Cat Boucher as I don't for a moment doubt the sincerity of any of them.

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