Friday, October 23, 2015

"Duckboat Love" - Silas

"Duckboat Love" is a cheesy song I did for quite a while and people in the audience, I assume they were girls, would say 'swoon' in chat ... but I didn't see anyone fall over.

To get a bit of fun out of the song, it evolved into a soft porno version because you really have to understand the feeling of the strings to my fingers, and the sensuality of the fingerboard as I ... well ... and so on.

(Ed:  you did this over a microphone?)

Um, more than once, cabron.  Yah, I'm such a slut and I'm so ashamed.

But that got boring because no-one ever got it about duckboats.  And what do you know, here's one now:

Honey, if you're on a duckboat, the only thing you will be stroking is a machine gun.

Maybe you meant a swan boat ... and here's one of those as well:

Whoops, that is some kind of duck boat as well but it isn't a (cough) duckboat duck boat.

So this one must be a duckboat also:

OK, so we finally found a swanboat and this would have made sense but "Swanboat Love" sucks as a title.

(Ed:  "Duckboat Love" is so inspired?)

Well, I thought it was crafty that it's a love song when a trip in a duckboat really means you're probably going to get shot but (sob) no-one got it.

(Ed:  story of your sad life, huh?)

Oh, you know I got them bluez
da de da dum
Oh, I got them bluez
da de da dum

(Ed:  shut up and play)

But I got them bluez
da de da dum

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