Sunday, February 1, 2015

Russian Jet Bombers Over the British Channel Must Be Preparing for War

Russian jet bombers over the British Channel.  Well.  That sounds almost as bad as the Day of the Triffids when the man-eating plants attacked England, doesn't it.  But that story wasn't true either.

CNN reports Russian jet bombers are over the British Channel, apparently thinking this is news.  (CNN:  Russian jet bombers fly over British Channel)

Max Foster reports, with a suitably worried voice, about how Russian jet bombers disrupted air traffic in the United Kingdom airspace.  There are some small flaws in his reporting, however.

Flaw 1:  the bombers were not in the United Kingdom airspace but rather were in internationally-agreed flying lanes and didn't disrupt anything.

Flaw 2:  they are not jet bombers.  CNN might have gained a small clue of this by the presence of the propellors on the Tu-95, the same aircraft Russia has been using for these patrols since the 50's.

Flaw 3:  there are no increased patrols as the actual increase has been in harassment from NATO pilots.

Apart from those factual flaws, it was an example of CNN's typically high-quality reporting.  I gather they did manage to get the score for the Super Bowl correct ... it was just that no-one cared what it was.

There is one other small problem, however, as Breitbart reports these aircraft are carrying nukes but Russians stopped doing that a long time ago.  The Russian pilots realized decades ago if there's ever a real nuke war then they have absolutely no chance of surviving it so for all that time they have been taking up vodka, food, and girlfriends for those long patrol flights.  The harassment from NATO is really pissing them off as they get their mile-high party happening and then these damn annoying Brits show up, as always, over-dressed and not knowing how to act.

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