Friday, February 13, 2015

Stop Obama in Ukraine

Republicans have been waiting for me to be eaten alive by fire ants but they will have to wait as Democrats can take a turn as well because the blind support of Obama in his insane mission of interference in Ukraine (i.e. Operation Atlantic Resolve) means only one thing:  Pentagon generals use Obama like a wind-up toy and they've been doing it through his entire administration.  Obama's legacy isn't the Affordable Care Act but rather willful murder, many times over.  (He has dispatched at least eight times as many drone strikes as George Bush)

Obama ordered ten A-10 Warthogs to Europe because he knows Europeans will take the bullet for it.  What addled lunatic would seriously believe Russian tanks can be stopped or even slowed by ten Warthogs.  This isn't a military act but one more step in what he apparently perceives as diplomatic brinksmanship whereas any sensible person would view it as willful stupidity.  Any American troops dispatched to Ukraine will die.  History guarantees it.  If Obama thinks he is more clever than that, nothing more than his own arrogance will be demonstrated by it.  We have seen this arrogance in history before.  It didn't go well.

The only American who showed any competence in playing chess with Russians was Bobby Fischer and he did win ... but he wound up crazy as a loon, spouting NAZI philosophy, and dribbling on himself.  Now Obama thinks he's a chess master.

Obama isn't stopping a war but rather starting one.  Putin said early on if he had any interest in taking over Ukraine then he already would have done it.  Of course that's true as there was nothing to stop him.  He could have rolled tanks just like they rolled through Czechoslovakia back in the worst of times with the Soviets.  Amazingly enough, Russia still has those tanks.  Also amazingly enough, they remain in Russia and the only aggressor is the US.

Keep in mind there has been no resistance by military aircraft in the Middle East but in Ukraine they will go up against the toughest and biggest Air Force on the planet.  What has been happening through much of the Middle East killing was nothing more than a murderous turkey shoot but no-one will be shooting any turkeys in Ukraine.  Many, many people will die.

I realize my political position is not going to help my GoFundMe campaign but this is madness.  What difference does it make if I get a computer when Obama is doing his level best to cause an even bigger problem than has been growing, through US interference, in the Middle East over the last fifteen years.  Through it all the only defense the U.S. mounted was for Saudi Arabia in Iraq Version 1.  That was quite a strange benefit for the people who foment much of the violence in the Middle East and who would go on to execute the 9/11 attack (most of them were Saudis operating with Saudi money).

The only death the White House has regretted in the Middle East has been that of King Abdullah.  It won't matter what the White House regrets after starting a war in Ukraine as there won't be anyone left to attend the funeral.

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