Friday, February 27, 2015

New Used Computer is Up

Everything is migrated from the original machine and the setup on this one now looks exactly the same.  That was highly painless as there were two steps:  install Yosemite and then use Migration Assistant to copy the system forward over an Internet connection between the machines.  Exceptionally easy and it appears to have worked well.  I need to check out those wobbly wobbly moves before being absolutely sure.

The screen is dazzling as I haven't used one like this, well, ever.  It's been years since using one that even approached it.

The check of the specifications worked out even better than was advertised.  The additional RAM is there, along with the high-performance video card, but the surprise is that its storage is an SSD (Solid-State Disk) which is much faster than typical disk drives.  The machine is in new condition.  It's the late-2013 model.  No telling when it was actually purchased but there is no sign of any wear and tear.

So now to play with it and see what it can do.

Thank you to the People of the Future.  It should be possible to make some really twisted stuff with this one.

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