Sunday, February 15, 2015

Putting Silas Scarborough DVDs Online for Viewing

We have already established that optical drives are obsolete and Darwin tells us to find another solution or become Dodo birds.

"Rehearsals" - DVD series of songs recorded before the Cincinnati concert

"Dream Big" - Two-disc DVD set from the Cincinnati concert

Miscellaneous others

"Rehearsals" can be ripped to a file as I have a physical copy of it.  "Dream Big" exists as a Final Cut 7 project.  It may exist as a DVD Studio Pro master.  Yevette's machine is back-level and it still runs that software so it should be possible to rip the two-disc set as well.

Step two is uploading these monster files to YouTube.  I think one may have to acquire some type of permission for movie-length uploads but, so long as it doesn't cost anything, that shouldn't be a problem.  I have never had troubles with YouTube as what gets you busted with them is copyright infringement.  I only do originals so all is good.

Capitalizing it is an ongoing problem because AdSense is busted.

Maybe capitalizing it doesn't even matter.  If you look at the Help the Jammer as paying it forward, I will deliver this stuff as I will keep at it until I fall out of the chair.  At one time I said I programmed computers because I didn't know how to do anything else.  It was true as music wasn't paying anything.  Now it's reversed in making music but now I can't do anything else only now it's perfect as I don't want to do anything else.

Assuming no cigarettes and Yevette doesn't throw me out, life is possible on the pension.

There was discussion yesterday with Kannafoot regarding capitalizing AIFF music files and DVD is yet another aspect of plastic that's about to become fossilized.  The obvious capitalization is in click charges and Google AdSense and that may be unbeatable but surely some witty whizkid can come up with something.

iTunes ... yep.  Memory pop on this as I think there may be an associated charge or some complicated mechanism but movies can be published to iTunes and be capitalized that way.  I read about this some while back but saw it would cost and dropped the idea.  Further research is warranted and I will report.

There may be another Burning of the Hat of Eternal Accursedness as there is yet another form of evil spirit that remains:  a plastic bag with around a hundred CDs and DVDs.  Burning them is out as that would be extremely-toxic.  How about running them over with a car.  Ideas are welcome but it has to be green or at least mostly green.  I'm not sure but I think they may shatter so there can't be little bits of plastic all over the place.  Melting them in the microwave would probably blow it up.  Hmm...I'm really diggin' the idea, tho.

Can anyone tell me if the microwave would arc to the CD surface.  Blowing up the microwave would be big fun on YouTube but this would not be Yevette's first choice for comedy.

The reason for melting them is they have been hanging about like damn barnacles for years.  Once again there's only one answer:  burn them ... or melt them.

I had to know:

It doesn't seem to destroy the microwave but I'm not 100% on that because these are kids playing with Mom's appliance and we know historically kids are so respectful of such things.

The next question is what happens if you do it to a hundred of them at the same time.

This is decidedly not green as fumes come from it and those have got to be deadly.

I thought it was sort of cool but really not cool enough to be worth deadly fumes and definitely not worth explaining to Yevette how it came that her microwave exploded.

Tip:  if you want to blow up your own mother's microwave, turn off the room light for the video.  The light the camera wants comes from inside the microwave and the room light washes that out.  In each of the videos I saw, they made the same mistake.  All the room light gave was the reflection on the window.

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