Friday, February 20, 2015

Computer Strategery and Sushi for Cheap

The new used computer has just shipped and the arrival date is now confirmed.  The current computer is not dead but it's got one hell of a stomach ache.  (I won't confirm the date here as then someone just has to watch the door to pick it up and drive away with it.  Watch yer security out there ... bad guys do.)

The Stragery part is not to burn the backout, stomach ache or no.  After the new used computer is fully active then it is ok to try to fix the sick one myself ... but not before.

(Ed:  they let you have screwdrivers again?)

I expect I still have the problem with parts left-over but I don't want the optical drive anyway so I figure that makes it ok.

What I don't know is if I need those damn Torx screwdrivers when I get inside it.

(Ed:  what is a Torx screwdriver?)

Another damn tool someone invented so you won't find you need it until you get the machine open.  It's a bit like a screwdriver and a bit like an Allen wrench so, yah, that means you need multiple sizes and that also means the first one you get will probably be the wrong size.  Torx 6 is a good bet if you don't know for sure which you need for a computer.

The optical drive is so big it fills that quadrant of the computer and it is removed after its cable connector is unplugged and three screws are taken out.  Fortunately, the Torx tool is not required unless you play with the hard drive and that won't be happening.  It's ridiculously tiny inside a laptop so if I can't see it well enough then I'll close it back up again and move on to Plan B.

(Ed:  what is Plan B?)

I don't know.  There will be one, I just don't know what it is yet.

Confidence is fairly high that I could do this now and, so long as I can see the bits, it would work ... but ... you don't burn yer backout ... ever.

(Ed:  what does this have to do with sushi?)

The screwdrivers cost $5.00 and I also found some frozen sushi for $5.00.  It was surprisingly unsucky.  It's a package of California rolls with some type of chopped up haddock.  It's a wee bit less than sushi pure but still a treat as what else can you do with wasabi.

And you still ain't believin' there's such a thing as frozen sushi.  So, what you do is get your unbelieving ass to the frozen fish freezer in Wal-Mart and that's not the same freezer as for the Mile of Burgers.  You might meet Jesus as well as his people are at Wal-Mart and they're definitely not the Philistines on Wall Street.  So you will certainly find frozen sushi and you might meet Jesus at the same time.  How can you beat a deal like that.

The currently-sick-as-a-rat computer can at least serve GarageBand tunes when the new used one gets here and that's the plan for live.  I'll serve it up as audio rather than send it over USB and that means there will never again be a question of what levels go to the audio stream.  This way it will get it all or it will get nothing and what I hear is what will be transmitted, no question.

Previously I used an iPad for serving up audio like that but it was not satisfactory for a number of reasons, mostly because that touchie feelie kind of thing is imprecise.  Plus it's about a thousand miles from here.

Longer term, the plan / wish will be to take the laptop apart again to add RAM and also to replace the hard drive.  There's nothing that will effect a computer miracle but likely it would stop the spinning ball that comes up while the computer waits for something to happen.  In Second Life, a spinning colored ball means you can dance WITH someone.  In a Mac, a spinning colored ball means the computer wants to dance ON someone.

(Ed:  why all the blather?)

It's easily possible someone else might want to do this and my point is it's not so hard so long as your eyes are good enough for it and you prepare.  As the computing devices get smaller, you need more and more strange tools to work on them and there's almost no chance you can get inside a handy or a mobile.  For me that makes them the computing equivalent of a Bic lighter ... too bad they cost five hundred times more.

So, the laptop will not die and it's an Apple.  It will live for a long time so long as it gets the right attention.  That can't do anything about other aspects of the reason for the new used one but that doesn't matter as the point is that it's not disposable.

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