Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dann "The Mann" Russo Helps Out the Campaign

Dann Russo is one hell of a good doobie.  I sent a Tweet that made it sound like he gave me a joint but that ain't what happened.  He has helped the old guy and it's very much appreciated.

Yevette told me people with tablets can't see the sidebar so here's the link to my GoFundMe campaign.  I changed the link to (how's that for cute).

Dann "The Mann" Russo is one blazing guitar player and anyone silly enough to try to keep up with him is in serious risk of a myocardial infarct (i.e. vapor lock).  It's not that he shreds but rather he plays the hell out of an acoustic guitar and by 'plays the hell out of it,' I mean he plays with great passion.  Any fool can smash a guitar.  That's not at all what I mean.

It's been my pleasure to meet a few of the musicians in Second Life and he plays in the Boston area.  Check him out when he plays but you might want to bring a fresh shirt as he will make you sweat just watching him play!

Much love, Dann.  Thank you.

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