Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jill Stein of the Green Party (video)

The purpose in presenting the video is twofold as the content of it is exactly what I need to hear from a politician but the production of needs serious work when I can do better myself.  In my view, it's a travesty when bombers have better video production facilities than one of the parties running for leadership of America.  You can read more about the Green Party and hopefully help them on the Green Party home site.

Audio - Spurious sounds from who knows what.  Never ever touch the microphone while recording.

Lights - Awful.  The lighting is so bright as to seem almost painful to her.

Teleprompter - Appears something else was used as there was very much the feeling she was reading a speech.  She is deeply-impassioned but skills in oratory are important as well.  Example:  Kennedy wasn't such a tremendous President but he gave one hell of a speech and people remember him as a god.

These items are easy to fix but they need support to do it.

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