Friday, February 20, 2015

Beyond the Frozen Sushi

Yah, how is that even possible.

It's been quite a while since I last tried any kind of sushi and there wasn't much wasabi so I got some soy and some wasabi to mix up a little batch.  I used some squeeze-bottle pre-mixed wasabi and I have not done this before so it was an experiment.

My tongue was burning.  My throat was destroyed.  My nose was running.  I was crying.

From these things we know:  yep, mixed the wasabi right.

For sushi purists, I know these words offend your eyes but down here at the po' house, we gots no money to go downtown.  What we found is the frozen sushi is surprisingly not horrible.

From frozen sushi comes inevitably the segue to the Fort Worth Water Gardens at Sundance Square.

Some scenes from the movie, "Logan's Run," were filmed there so this is a (cough) high-value target.

Getting some good video at this site has cinematic value to the surrealism of what I want to portray. "Logan's Run" is very much a metaphor for life as everyone dies at thirty as is "Flowers for Algernon" which is known more popularly by the movie, "Charlie."  Both of them were important influences from an early age.

This is where the arrogance of video comes into it and Cat stopped me on the use of arrogance but the thinking is that pure music requires nothing.  Close your eyes and float into space.  The arrogance is showing you what that space looks like as that takes away your right to imagine whatever you want.  This has been important in keeping to myself what any song means personally and for the same reason.  It's cool to hear what someone saw when they hear it as that vision will invariably be different from mine.

Doing any kind of filming at Water Gardens is not so terrible as the tripod is ultra-cheap but that also means it is ultra-light.  I've spent a lot of time carrying heavy tripods about and I don't remember specifically enjoying the experience.  The camera is probably no bigger than most SLRs so that's easy as well.

The first question is why bother as it's a lot of work to do it so something cool ought to be added to any potential video or it's just wasting time.  It's worthwhile from the standpoint of giving Cat a taste of Fort Worth and Yevette a reminder of home but what musical value can it serve.

The first thought is to use a green-screen and put that Silas Scarborough (meat version) on the bricks down there.  It's an obvious lie as it's a full house and I never played to a full house in my life.  However, an obvious lie has value if it serves the story truthfully.  This is a world of surrealism and nothing is real but also anything is possible.

It's also a cheap CGI trick and that's what made "World War Z" such a worthless movie, apart from the horrendously flat acting, I mean.

This is not waffling on my part but rather some thoughts on getting beyond the frozen sushi.  Two food metaphors in one bite.  Where else would you eat.

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