Monday, December 22, 2014

Pop Goes the Weasel

There hasn't been fury like this in quite some time but that's ok as it's not coming here.  Sometimes when someone trashes yer trip, you just want to stab the bastard but I'm really not seeing much Christmas in that.

There's no drama with Cat.  Lose that thinking altogether.

So I'll get me some aspirin, get some lying down time, and then have a go with some recording.

There's no tree here but there's still more Christmas than anywhere else.  There will be angels and bells later but that doesn't work so well for me with any thought of stabbing so we'll lose that before getting on with it.

In case you're thinking Santa is slaving away at the North Pole, here is what really happens.  He lost a few pounds and he's out skating with his favorite elf.  Guess what you get for Christmas this year ... marbles.  Santa has his priorities, man.

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