Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Report for a Musician Being a Blazing Asshole

It's been my pleasure to write articles about the performances of various musicians in Second Life and a great many people have read them.  I get a little tingle out of giving something to music and maybe it helps someone.  There's no predicting how the Theory of Propagated Goodness will play but nothing bad ever came from it.

This Blazing Asshole's egregiously selfish behavior cost me my recording set last night.  So, for the Report on a Musician Being a Blazingly Selfish Asshole here goes:


How did you like that, huh?  Publicity can do magical things can't it.  But it can't send the Ghost of Christmas Future and we don't want to take that pleasure away.  I suspect there will be many lizards running about an exceptionally cold household on Christmas Eve.  Scary stuff.  I've seen that movie.

So that happened and it sucks but the Silas TechnoHypnoGroove Christmas Song doesn't have stabbing in it plus I've added a 'no creeps' rule as no good Christmas song has creeps in it or people sing "Mack the Knife" on Christmas Eve.  I know you don't want that.  Somehow this song is going to happen, it just ain't going to be right this minute.

It sucks being broke but for some self-proclaimed professional musicians my only thought on meeting them is, Holy Christ, I'm sure glad that's not me.

(Mystery Lady:  remember the Kenny Rogers show?  If that's success, pass the peanut butter!)

Thank you, Santa.  Being broke sucks hard but it's got to be better than that.  People don't get it too much that being broke is far from the worst thing that can happen to you.  How's this one for worse:  how about if you succeed in music but you know what you did was all commercial crap that was always just hustling for money.  In that case, success is worse than failure.  Be careful out there.

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